Don’t watch the 2024 Super Bowl, watch these 3 great TV shows instead
Don't want to watch the 2024 Super Bowl? Then try these three great shows currently streaming on HBO Max, Amazon Prime Video, and Apple TV+.
Don’t watch the 2024 Super Bowl, watch these 3 great movies instead
These are some of the best movies you can check out instead of watching the 2024 Super Bowl.
The 20 Best New TV Shows to Watch in 2024
After a hiatus in production throughout 2023, the film industry is gearing up to delight audiences with a plethora of new releases. Bright Side have carefully crafted a schedule of the 20 best new TV shows in 2024 to ensure you don’t miss out on the latest cinematic gems.
The 2024 Super Bowl is over. Watch these 3 great Amazon Prime Video movies now
The 2024 Super Bowl is sadly over. To fill the time, try watching these three great movies on Amazon Prime Video.
Like Amazon Prime Video’s hit movie Upgraded? Then watch these 3 great rom-coms now
If you liked Amazon Prime Video's new movie, Upgraded, then you're going to love these three great rom-coms now streaming on HBO Max, Disney+, and Prime Video.
New to Amazon Prime? Here are 3 Prime Video movies with 90% or higher on Rotten Tomatoes to watch first
A musical rom-com, courtroom drama and psychological horror make the list
last updated on 14 Jul 09:55